I did not see that coming
Good dayToday, the winds have shifted from SE to E. We have wore to the SB tack, and are now on a course that will put us between the islands of Ambrym and Pentecost. The voyage crew has a bet in which they can write a time we will pass the way point in the middle of those islands.In the morning watch, there was the wearing of the ship, that went well.One of our voyage crew, Zach, has his birthday today, and there was cake for the occasion.The strangest thing happened just now, with the setting of the fore-skysail:When opening the buntlines and pulling on the sheets, a squid fell down from the sail. Then after wards there came a report of two birds that were caught in the sheet, when the skysail was being set.This all in the category: I did not see that coming..BRGDSHans