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Fiji – New Zealand

From Fiji to New Zealand: Pacific Sailing Adventure

  • 29
  • 1630
    nautical miles
  • cost €5250,- p.p.
    4/6 person cabin
  • cost €6375,- p.p.
    2 person cabin

Welcome to Fiji, a tropical paradise that will enchant your heart and soul. With its pristine white sandy beaches, crystal clear turquoise waters, and lush green landscapes, Fiji is a true paradise, consisting of more than 300 islands and 500 small islets.

On this journey, we will explore this beautiful archipelago for a few days and immerse ourselves in the vibrant culture and warm hospitality of Fiji. It promises to be an unforgettable adventure full of discoveries, filled with wonder about the colorful islands we encounter, rich flora and fauna, and beautiful people. We will see where the wind takes us and which islands we can visit. This will make our journey even more special: amazed by everything we come across along the way.

After our enchanting stay in Fiji, we set sail for Vanuatu, an archipelago of volcanic splendor. Vanuatu's lush rainforests, vibrant coral reefs, and indigenous cultures await us. After a few days at sea, we will arrive at this new adventure, where we will experience the diversity of our planet in all its glory.

As we depart from the shores of Fiji and Vanuatu, we hoist the sails and take advantage of the southeast trade winds, which allow for a favorable and relatively smooth passage en route to our next destination: New Caledonia. The distance between Fiji, Vanuatu, and New Zealand is about 1600 nautical miles, meaning that we will need about a week to reach the beautiful island of New Zealand.

Ocean voyage

Embarking on this sailing adventure provides a fantastic opportunity to fully appreciate the natural world and develop a greater sense of responsibility for the environment. While keeping a lookout over the water, you'll experience the raw power of nature in all its glory. The waves that appear and disappear, the feeling of being at the mercy of nature, the breathtaking sunrises and sunsets, the countless stars glittering overhead, the sea creatures, and the never-ending shades of blue all contribute to making an ocean crossing an unforgettable experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression.


Vanuatu, an archipelago of enchanting islands scattered across the South Pacific, is renowned for its pristine beauty and rich culture. This island group is located east of Australia and north of New Caledonia, encompassing over 80 islands in total, each with its own unique character.

One of the remarkable islands is Tanna, home to the majestic Yasur volcano. This active volcano attracts adventurous travelers seeking to witness its impressive eruptions and experience the earth's power. Another noteworthy island is Espiritu Santo, where the stunning Blue Hole serves as an enchanting spot for snorkeling and swimming in the clear azure waters. 

Indigenous cultures thrive in Vanuatu, with traditional villages scattered across the islands. The local population places great value on their heritage and lifestyle, evident in their artisanal art, captivating dances, and ancient customs. The renowned land diving ceremony on Pentecost Island is a spectacular tradition where brave men dive from tall towers, all without modern aids.

Vanuatu gained independence in 1980 and has since developed its own unique identity. The islands offer a wealth of adventure activities, including exploring vibrant coral reefs, hiking through lush rainforests, and discovering historical remnants from World War II.

Just like with other destinations, the captain will carefully consider local conditions and weather forecasts to select the ideal route and make the most of the visit to these stunning islands.

New Zealand

This voyage ends in the vibrant city of Auckland, the largest metropolis in New Zealand, located on the North Island.

Built on volcanic soil, Auckland is surrounded by a dramatic landscape, the city itself pulsates with energy and provides numerous opportunities to relax and indulge before setting sail.

Explore Auckland's harbor, where you can admire imposing sailboats and luxurious superyachts. Ascend the Sky Tower for breathtaking panoramas of the city and the Hauraki Gulf. Hike through the Waitakere Ranges, where you can trek through dense forests and conquer volcanic peaks. Or escape to Waiheke Island, renowned for its pristine beaches,wineries, and fresh seafood.

Become a sailor on board Bark EUROPA

On board Bark EUROPA, guests are referred to as voyage crew, and the ship's permanent crew will provide training to transform them into sailors. Even if you have no prior experience, the crew will teach you everything you need to know throughout the journey. Unlike a traditional cruise, Bark Europa offers a hands-on sailing experience, where you actively participate in sailing activities. The voyage crew is divided into three groups or watches, named after the colors of the Dutch flag - red, white, and blue. Each watch will take turns being on duty for four hours, followed by eight hours of free time.

While on watch, the voyage crew will be given different tasks to perform, which will be divided among the members of their watch. Two individuals will be responsible for helm duty, and the crew will guide them on steering the ship, maintaining course, and staying alert for potential hazards. There will also be two people assigned to lookout duty to spot any other ships, debris, or wildlife, and communicate with the officer of the watch.

The remaining members of the watch will be tasked with deck duty. The permanent crew will provide training on sail handling, and you will assist in setting up and taking down the sails by hauling and easing lines. You may also climb the rigging to furl or unfurl the sails and learn how to trim the sails to the direction of the wind. During deck duty, there will be opportunities to help the crew with maintenance tasks and learn traditional skills such as woodworking, sail making, celestial navigation, and traditional rope and rigging work.

During the eight hours off watch, voyage crew members can take advantage of the downtime to rest or enjoy the scenery. The library is available for quiet reading or writing in your logbook, and the deckhouse offers opportunities to socialize with fellow crewmates over a drink, board game, or card game. The crew will also provide lectures on various topics, ranging from traditional sailor skills and knowledge to science and astronomy.

Even during the off-watch time, voyage crew members can still assist the permanent crew and their watchmates with sail handling and maintenance jobs. If needed, the galley team may also ask for help with preparing meals. Your off-watch time is for you to fill in, you may do as little or as much as you like.

Responsibility to care

Respect for the environment plays an important role in the philosophy of EUROPA and her crew. We aim to inspire our trainees to observe and appreciate the world around them beyond just the vast open ocean:  listen to the sounds of the ocean, the wind, and enjoy the peacefulness of the environment.

Through conducting safe and eco-friendly sailing voyages, EUROPA provides their guests with first-hand experiences that enable them to gain a better understanding of the ocean and its diverse species. The hope is to inspire a group of ocean ambassadors worldwide.

For longer ocean crossings, EUROPA welcomes scientists on board to conduct their own research projects. Oceanographers, astronomers, and marine biologists have joined the crew in recent years, and their presence and knowledge are highly valued by the crew and trainees. 

EUROPA encourages the international voyage crew to participate in ocean research conducted on board by inviting them to work with the researchers through presentations, organizing special on-board exhibits, discussions, and hands-on trawling work. Working together with universities and other institutions, EUROPA aims to connect the scientific world with the world at sea, to increase awareness of the state of the oceans and polar regions. They collect solid data through the efforts of researchers, universities, and companies over several years, with the aim of building a database that can contribute to the cause.

How to book

This voyage is open for bookings. For a seamless booking process, please have a look at our FAQ for more information about booking multiple voyages, health requirements and other essential details.