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Optional booking

If you are interested in a specific voyage and you cannot decide immediately or if you have to make any necessary arrangements we can block a bunk for you for two weeks. That way you will have some time to decide without the risk of losing your berth. Please let us know in which voyage you are interested and how many bunks (male or female) you would like to block and if you prefer a 2-person cabin (can only be booked by couples or duo’s) or a bunk in a 4/6-person cabin. We will contact you as soon as possible to confirm your optional reservation.

Are you 65 years old or over at the time of booking? We kindly ask you to fill in the additional health statement that needs to be signed by your physician/general practioner. While booking a voyage, you can email the document to: This statement will be discussed by our ships doctors to make a final decision, based on safety, fitness and health, together with our captains and shipping office.

Sailors of the age of 73 and over, unfortunately can't join us on the ocean crossings and Antarctica expeditions, but they are more than welcome to apply for coastal voyages. We understand this is a very strict decision and the health situation can differ a lot bewteen one person ore the other. This decision is therefore carefully discussed with our ships doctors and captains and mainly based on the number of medical issures that happened, fatigue and a slower recovery of injuries at a certain age.

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