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A nice first day

Good evening,

POS:  43*03,8 S 063*58,0 W
COG:  150
SOG:  4.5 kts
WND:  ENE 4 bft
SEA:  1 meter
SWL:  E'ly 1 meter

We departed this morning 10:40 local time. Before departure the Abandon ship drill was carried out and we did climb the mast with all who wanted. The wind came from the south, but soon shifted to the SE, so we staid under engine while crossing Golvo Nuevo. The weather was beautiful with even a lunch on deck! At 16 the watches started and after the 20 o'clocky we could even start hoisting some sails.

Now the wind came round to the NE and more sails are set...the engines can be switched off soon. Also the first seasick people are there, the yellow buckets are put to use. The sky is full of stars so we can find our way to South Georgia.

In all it was a nice first day!


Written by:
Janke Kingma | Captain



greetings to our friend and shipmate Tad

Walter Weinberg  |  22-11-2022 18:19 uur

Thanks for the updates, I'm looking forward to following the trip online. I hope the yellow buckets soon won't be required anymore!

Bas  |  21-11-2022 19:08 uur

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