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Back on Terra Firma

The rugged coast reminding me of the islands off the northwest of Scotland but with icebergs and penguins around we can only be in southern hemisphere. We have been to some beautiful coves and beaches and are getting used to the wild life although the Elephant seals farting and snorting are still raising a laugh. The history is fascinating - whether walking in Shackleton's footsteps or learning about the whaling industry and the more recent rat irradication programme.

But what I have loved is feeling the earth beneath my feet and being able to stretch out. The walk to the Skackleton memorial yesterday along the coast to King Edward's point gave me an opportunity to stretch out and get the blood flowing. I also realised it was the first time I had been on my own for over 2 weeks. I am really enjoying the company on board but sitting on the bench at the memorial placed there by Shackleton's comrades and watching the sea, rocks, kelp and birdlife was a pleasure I shall keep with me always.

Written by:
Annabel | Trainee



Sounds both wonderful and physically challenging. Beautiful and very cold. Look forward to seeing your photos in the New Year. We missed you on our final walk. Best wishes Sonia

Sonia Ennals  |  12-12-2016 14:18 uur

I've only just discovered the blog! Glad to hear you've been to The Shackleton Memorial Annabel and had a moment of peace. I'm sure you must all crave a moment of solitude every now and again. But what an experience! I'll keep reading and comment again - & see you in Bariloche on the 28th!

Sally Jones  |  12-12-2016 10:23 uur

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