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No more roaring fourties


POS:  41'32,9S  061'49,8W 90nm NE of Peninsula Valdes
CRS:  220'
SPD:  5,2kts
WND:  SE 1-2 bft
SEA:  Smooth
SWL:  None

Well, the roaring fourties seemed to have swapped location with the doldrums.
This morning after coffeetime the fog disappeared, as well as 
the light breeze.
LOD and after under engine.

Weather forecast says a 
bit of the same next 24hrs.
We have some spare miles, so hopefully 
during daytime we can sail somewhat.
We decided definitely today that we will anchor in the Golfo Nuevo the 15th in the late afternoon, for a BBQ and the "bonte" evening.

Rgds, Arian

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