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The wind followed the birds

Hello all,

POS:  60*20 S 061*20 W
COG:  150
SOG:  5,5
WND:  NW 2 bft

20 hours until our first step ashore.

The wind followed the birds to the North and took the ghost of Seasickness with her.

On board everyone is enthusiast, free of this seasickness and ready for the Antarctic.

The swell is reluctant to leave us though.
I guess we're still to much fun for the waves to play with.

18 hours to go

Evening dinner was lovely and 17 hours to go.

We gave an update on the weather and about the first landing. 16 hours to go.
An extensive explanation was given and practiced to take away some sails with the Voyage crew and 15 hours to go.

Now we hear the voices of the night.

Some are loud in thoughts without words.
and some are loud in words without thoughts.

Both are nourished by the days we had at Sea and the new adventures at
the Horizon.

12 hours to go till the expected horizon becomes a reality.

Then 8 hours to sleep en 2 hours for Coffee and breakfast.
1 hour to read and one to get even more excited.
A lot to look forward to.

And a lot to dream of.

Good night
Sleep well

Groeten Fosse Fortuin

Written by:
Fosse Fortuin | Captain

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