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Three Early Thoughts

Firstly, as a lifelong birdwatcher for the last 50 years plus, seeing my first albatross is rather like (was it the poet Keats?): "Then felt I like some watcher of the skies when a new planet swims into his ken"

Secondly, being on the night watch last night under full(ish) sail, with a decent wind and with a full moon lighting the sea and glistening through the rigging was one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

And finally, to be asked by Krista at 4.00 in the morning whether "anyone was interested in helping to set the outer jib" is about the most charming order I have ever received!

Written by:
Pete | trainee



don't shoot the albatross !

Richard and Jane  |  07-03-2017 11:18 uur

Hope Kath Beveridge took a photo of this albatross!

kathryn  |  18-02-2017 18:27 uur

We follow your expedition day by day with maps and very happy for you! Please give Kisses to Afik !

Aaron  |  17-02-2017 12:44 uur

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