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Ushuaia - Preparations behind the scenes

With a total of 52 days ahead of us, sailing all the way along the South Atlantic and Southern Ocean from South America to South Africa, few days of work and good care previous to departure are necessary to get the ship ready. 

After yet another successful Antarctic Expedition, Bark Europa lies moored alongside the self acclaimed Southernmost city of the world, numerous preliminaries are necessary before starting our new voyage.
Amongst them all, is the 
need to load enough provisions for the journey, pack and store them properly. Some repairs had to be done aloft, cabins and the rest of the ship called for a good clean.

After all those countless hours of hard work under the changeable  Ushuaia weather, the last preparations left the ship ready to welcome us tomorrow, to start the upcoming long period of traveling at sea. 

Bark Europa, sailing almost all year round for the last few decades has earned the nickname of Ocean Wanderer. Being at sea for long periods of time she offers different sail training experiences, from her frequent participation on Tall Ship Races, to Ocean crossings.
Furthermore, during winter regularly provides the outstanding experience of visiting Antarctica. And is on trips like the one we are about to start where she offers an unmatched combination of the two latter ones: crossing the cold and rough South Atlantic to South Africa, while visiting the icy Antarctica shores, South Georgia with its beaches teeming with wildlife, and hikes over its mountainous landscapes. Tristan da Cunha, known to be the remotest inhabited island in the world lies close to our path. The possibility of visiting it, will depend on weather and
Covid regulations, which represent no news in the latest times and happenings around the world.

Written by:
Jordi Plana Morales | Expedition Guide | Bark Europa

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