14 days Out from Ascension
THURSDAY 9THof June 2022, 12.00 Ships time = Gmt.
NE Tradewinds
14 days Out from Ascension
14°-37'N : 035°-33'W
Course= - North-westerly–Full & By SB-tack
Wind = NE-ly4. Seawater 25,5° Celsius
Since yesterday our course became more West-Northwest because our Tradewind was backing to NEbyN.
A bit of a disappointment but this morning it was veering back to NEbyE.
We can not complain about the strength of the wind because this is still between 3+ and 4+ Bfrt.
Temperatures don’t feel so tropical anymore on deck and that is reflecting on the dress-code on deck especially in the Night times.
Sailhandling wise we are still in terms of hoist or dowse Skys’ls, Flying jib and Gafftops’l every couple of hours.
Last night the movie Around Cape Horn with the Peking by Irving Johnson (1929) gave some extra sailing spirits in the Lounge.
Done 24 hrs 158M in 322° = 6,6 kts Average
Done 313 hrs 1.782,5M = 5,7 kts Average,
Horta: 1477M in Bearing 013°
Alles Wel