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All that Drake

Mar 10, 2023


This time the Drake has been a bit of everything, a bit of shake and a bit of lake, but both not in its most extreme form. After we passed through the eye of the low, we caught some nice South Westerley and Westerly winds for sailing. At the end of our 2th day on the Drake it all calmed down, the wind dropped to almost nonen and all sails were taken away and furled. Since than we have been roling Northwards on a long swell with nlittle wind wind, at the moment slowly picking up again from the South West.

Meanwhile we are sailing into warmer waters. Today we reached a temperature of 10 degrees celcius :  5.2 in the water and 4.8 in the air. This means we have left the last bit of the Antarctic waters behind us. We are closer to land in the North than in the South now : closer to arriving than to leaving, and slowly realising we will not be at the Drake forever. We expect to pass Cape Horn by the end of the day tomorrow.