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Anchored in Clarence bay Ascension Island

May 30, 2022


Tuesday 24th of May 12:00 Ships-time (UTC)

Anchored in Clarence bay Ascension Isl  07-55,1S : 014-24,9W
We dropped our anchor last night at 23:20 and moved a littlebit more inshore this morning.

Yesterday afternoon a little breeze from the SE brought us to the Island but we needed 5 stuns'ls to make it all happen.
In the afternoon we caught 7 Mahi-Mahi (also called Dorado or Dolphin fish) so it will be fish on the BBQ tonight.
This morning all the paperwork was done ashore but that went quite smoothly, this because the great effort preparing all the visa for our crew and trainees by our Home-office or more precisely Nina.

This very dry island, normally only green on the high grounds from green mountain, (859m high) received lots of rain the last couple of weeks even torrential rain showers a forthnight ago.
So green sprouts are popping op everywhere!

Our trainees and part of our permanent crew are wandering around this tropical island with her golden beaches.

Done 11 hrs 35M = 4,0 kts in 310 degr.
Done 125hrs = 710M = 5,7 kts average
Use of engines this leg = 10 min Sb engine for coming to the anchorage.

ETD Ascension..."Ascension0-day" coming Thursday

Alles Wel