Busy days
The paint brushes have been put away but Matt is still valiantly overstitching the upper topsail whilst cooks mate Leander plays the violin. tomorrow we leave Salvador in Brazil for Chile. Salvador is a very excitable city. The 4days here have been election fever with drum bands, political rally and hundreds of people in every square and beaches where the emptiest bit of sand is the beach volley ball pitch. Had a day off from maintenance to swim, visit maritime museum and the old town.
The paint brushes have been put away but Matt is still valiantly overstitching the upper topsail whilst cooks mate Leander plays the violin. tomorrow we leave Salvador in Brazil for Chile. Salvador is a very excitable city. The 4days here have been election fever with drum bands, political rally and hundreds of people in every square and beaches where the emptiest bit of sand is the beach volley ball pitch. Had a day off from maintenance to swim, visit maritime museum and the old town.