Google review

Course 305 degr, speed around 6 kts.

May 30, 2022


SATURDAY 28Th of May 12:00 Ships-time (UTC)05-20S : 018-22wCourse 305 degr, speed around 6 kts.Still a good and steady SE tradewind force 4 to 4+Yesterday afternoon the wind came from dead astern so we set all 6 Stuns'ls (3 in each side).But in the evening we found the wind slowly backing again so we dowsed the 3 on our portside again for the night fell in.We had very little raindrops the last 2 days so that makes our sanding and varnishing crew happy.

On a ship like EUROPA with so much woodwork these crossing are fundamental for keeping our old lady shining.
Last night we had our first Shellback meeting, it was a fruitful one ;-)

Done 24hrs 138M = 5,8 kts average
Done 49hrs 282,5M = 5,8 kts average
ToGo to the LINE 555M

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