Google review

Easterly wave

Jun 13, 2022


SATURDAY 11TH of June 2022, 12.00 Ships time = Gmt.

NE Tradewinds 
16 days Out from Ascension 
18°-53'N : 038°-33'W   
Course= -330°–Full & By SB-tack, Speed; around the 6,5kts 
Wind = NE4 to 5.  Seawater 25° Celsius 

Yesterday and also this morning we came in touch with the Northerly tail of an “Easterly wave”, which is a kind of a North-South runningtrough that starts in Africa and moves over the Atlantic to the Caribbean, these systems are often the cradle for the Tropical Storms who hit the America’s. 

The Barometer shows only very small differences when such a front line is passing but behind the line you can expect a lot more turbulence in the air. We did not receive much rain out of it, but the increasing of the wind and also the shifts in direction gave us some sail-handling jobs during the last 24 hours. Anyway a good exercise for later when we arrive to the Northern side of the Azores High pressure system, because there the real depressions are the dominant factors in the weather. 

Through all of this we are coming closer and closer to the longitudes of the forties and hopefully we can steer North from there, otherwise the bend we have to make to reach the Azores becomes too  big in distance for a proper arrival time in Horta. 

Done   24 hrs    153M  in321° =  6,4kts  Average, 

Done 385hrs 2.251,5M =   5,9kts  Average,   

Horta:  1285M in Bearing 021° 

Alles Wel 
