A happy bunch all together.
Hello all,POS: 65*14 S 64*16 WCOG: Anchored at Winter IslandSOG: 0WND: NW 0 - 3 bftGood morning all.Today was the big day of the famous Lemaire Channel Passage.A narrow Passage surrounded and guarded by steep hills rising to more than 900 meters high.Dramatic cliffs and Ice high, high above us. Black stone, clouds to cover the tops and our cheerful, knowledgeable Guide Beth, who is also Geologist, explaining us about the lines in the Rocks, the shades of darkness and the forces of the earth.Such an Arena, Such a spectacle.Just then; the Voyage crew asked if they could climb, not just one, but many.In the end all the 3 Masts were filled.Everywhere the sounds of clicking Harnesses high up there.Everywhere arms and legs on shrouds, platforms, yardarms and up to the highest topmast.It was a very joyful, colorful circus.Next to the vessel we could regularly see Whales, at the surface, glide with Grace, Penguins, at Icebergs, slide with praise,and See lions show their face.And amidst all of this it was our Deckhand Loek who steered the Bark Europa calm, keen, Safely and skillfully through the Channel.A happy bunch all together.But this was just the morning.We still had to do our sights and Landings.Just south of the Lemaire Channel we explored all side bays and Glaciers and did two Landings.One at Peterman Island and one at Winter Island.Now we all eat Peanuts and enjoy the rest of the evening close to the heating, surrounded by good company and a nice glass of choice.Not bad for a WednesdaySleep well and good morning.Groeten Fosse Fortuin