One day isn't the other
Hello all,POS: 63*12,8 S 060*37,7 WCOG: 195SOG: 5.5WND: NW 4 bftWater temp: 2.7 *COne day isn't the other. We all know that. Here, in and around Antarctica, the differences between can be quite extreme. Where yesterday was sunny and calm, today was very windy with big gusts. Over night we could sail to Deception island. The wind picked up from the North. After arrival in the caldera we dropped anchor at Telefon bay. It was gusty, but not too bad. Our anchor with 5 shackles stayed at it's spot close to the beach.The guides went out with the VC for the landing. There they found, next to a nice walk and beautiful views, also big big gusts of wind. It must have been quite impressive. It also showed us that the whole caldera, except for our anchorage, was pretty wild. We decided to stay at anchor and only pick up for the evening at Whalers. Going there the Europa made a speed of over 7 knots on bare poles only. Upon arrival the wind seemed to ease, so the zodiacs were lowered...and then...the wind kicked in again with over 40 knots. The landing was cancelled. We started to make our way out of Deception. With a couple of really big gusty wind blows in Neptune's Bellows the island said us goodby and now we are rolling on the leftover swell sailing in a Southern direction.A happy ship it is.Groetjes, Janke
Photo by Richard Simko