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Sheltered in South Georgia

Dec 9, 2022


Janke Kingma

Janke Kingma Captain

Good evening,POS: 54*31,4 S 036*04,4 WCOG: At anchor @ Moltke HarbourSOG: 0.0 ktsWND: NNW 3-7 bftSEA: 0 meterSWL: 0 meterIt's been a few days since the last writing. We had other occupations. South Georgia did manage to keep us busy. Our time here has been very nice, with a lot of sun and also with a lot of wind. Upon arrival a crewmember mentioned the word sheltered in combination with South Georgia in one sentence. That is a tricky thing to do. Specially when the wind is blowing from the NW all the time with at least a force 5 beaufort. If you look at the chart there are more then enough places to hang out sheltered from the wind and swell or waves. It seems...because in real life of the chart it is often different. The wind seems to penetrate every corner that gives it right of way. The other night we anchored in Prince Olav Harbour. The first try didn't hold because the wind shifted 180 degrees and back. The second attempt failed because of gusts of wind that came falling over the mountains. The third attempt failed because of even stronger gusts. With 6 shackles of chain the ship still moved backwards. Finally we hove anchor a last time and left. Looking for a more suitable place. The other nights we only had to move once. It kept on being very very gusty. Sheltered in South Georgia does not mean that the wind is not blowing, but sheltered might give you a chance to stay at anchor.