Two weeks at sea!
24 39 N 040 22 WCOG 125 SOG 5.814 days at sea.This night we could see the stars reflect in the water. A beautiful sight, but it means that there was no wind at all. It has been on and off with the wind last couple of days. To be honest, more off than on. Writing that, we shouldn’t forget that we had some days of really nice sailing. Still the question that popped up more and more was; “tradewinds, where are you and when will we meet?”
It seems that the many hurricanes and tropical depressions are disturbing the “normal” weather systems for this time of the year. At the moment the forecast looks good and an answer to the luring question of meeting the tradewind lies “around the corner”. The last depression Lee, southwest of us, is dissipating and Marie the hurricane went westward. Unlucky again for the
Caribbean islands. According our forecast the North easterlies should be met within days. We are heading Southeast and can’t wait to catch those winds.
In the meantime we’re not getting bored. There are loads of things to be done. All join in doing maintenance. The sails were exchanged. Thelighter “tropic” sails are up and the others are being mend for the Southern season. Blocks getting sanded, varnished and stropped. Lines renewed. The “broodwagen” and the deckhouse get fresh varnish. The new shrouds are tarred. And of course we have a swim stop when possible.
Fun, and with the water temperate being over 28 Celcius it is refreshing in a different way…