Ushuaia, time for maintenance and repairs
Aftermath of the technical issues in the navigation and communication equipment due to a lightning strike while at sea, making our way afterwards to anchorage at Ushuaia.
Ushuaia, anchor down earlier than the planned schedule.
Three weeks of sailing brought us here since departure from Montevideo. Lots of good sailing, now and then with some help from the engine. Calm and rough seas, a foul welcome to the roaring 40’s, a lightning strike atop the Main Mast, and the first Antarctica/South Georgia voyage of the season shortened, the Europa had to decide to repair and seek port in Ushuaia.
Laying at anchor at the Southernmost city in the world, now she is undergoing repairs of the navigation and communication equipment.
Fateful 23rd of November, a day that changed our plans. Stormy weather and strong winds, nothing new or different to what the seaworthy Europa and her experienced crew are used to, sailing those southern high latitudes. An unfortunate turn of events during the day made for shortening the journey due to electronic bugs.
For the time the ship stay under the picturesque skies of Ushuaia, the Radar has done its way down the Mizzen Mast to deck, ready for cable replacements.
A maze of old and new cables to check, some to be swapped for fresh ones, running through corridors, public spaces, cabins and the wheelhouse. Always ropes to change; blocks to scrape, sand, varnish and rig back aloft. A handful of wood appliances on deck in need of a make over. Replacement of pipes continue, started long ago when still in the Netherlands. For all that, a large assortment of tools for all kinds of jobs have made their way from their hideouts to wherever needed by the crew. We are on standby for the arrival of brand new navigation and radio equipment to be installed.
Days pass by, testing, fitting and caring for the ship to make sure she is in good working condition once more, to face the following trips over the seas beyond Cape horn and the remoteness of the Antarctic lands.