The wind died again
Noon position 2023-10-20 12.00 UTC:16°32'S 015° 14'WSpeed: 4.0 knots,COG 240°Should have kept my big mouth shut.... the wind died again and we have been having quite variable speeds in the night. Once again it is in my mind to call on the caterpillars.Let's see if the wind comes up to enough knots to get the speed up to enough knots, so that the people that sleep in the vicinity of the engine room wont suffer.It seems the wind was only up for the moment that i promised we would go swimming if there was not wind. Either Murphy of Calypso.Other than all this, the sound of angle-grinders with cup-brushes is coming aft over the deck, inroads have been made into the varnishing and all go here and there with chores, that everyone seems to be happy to part-take in.We had vegetable soup for lunchHans