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Around Cape Horn

FROMTilldaysEmbarkationDisembarkationDescriptionAge 15-35Age 35+Meer info
Sep' 24
Oct' 24

Auckland, New Zealand 17:00

Port Stanley, Falkland Islands/Las Malvinas 09:00

New Zealand - Falkland Islands/Las Malvinas

Embark on an extraordinary 52-day crossing from New Zealand to Las Malvinas/the Falkland Islands, a voyage that offers a true test of endurance and seamanship. Sailing from 50 degrees south in the Pacific Ocean to 50 degrees south in the Atlantic Ocean, we'll aim to achieve an official rounding of Cape Horn.

2-person cabin 15-35 €9.520,- (Fully booked)
2-person cabin 36+ €10.640,- (Fully booked)


Antarctica Expeditions 2024/2025

FROMTilldaysEmbarkationDisembarkationDescriptionPrice 4/6 p cabinPrice 2p cabinMeer info
Nov' 24
Dec' 24

Falklands / Islas Malvinas, 17:00H

Ushuaia, ARG, 09:00H

Ant 1 Scotia Arc Expedition*

An adventurous 42-day expedition to South Georgia and Antarctica.

*Sail for €12,800 with our exclusive Explorer Deal—offer ends October 31st! 
Add 'EXPLORER' in the remarks section of your booking form to claim this offer!

Sail with the Family: Youngsters (15-25) receive 50% off their voyage fee when booked with at least one adult!

Possible combinations include:
1 Adult + 1 Youngster (50% off the youngster’s fee)
2 Adults + 2 Youngsters (50% off both youngsters)

Add 'FAMILY' in the remarks section of your booking form to claim this special offer! 

Dec' 24
Jan' 25

Ushuaia, ARG, 17:00H

Ushuaia, ARG, 09:00H

ANT 2 - 22 day expedition to Antarctica

Experience the unique landscape of Antarctica.

*Book now for €11,200 with the Explorer Deal—available only until October 31st!
Don't forget to add 'EXPLORER' in the Remarks section of your booking form to secure this special price.

Sail with the Family: Youngsters (15-25) receive 50% off their voyage fee when booked with at least one adult! 
Add 'FAMILY' in the remarks section of your booking form to claim this special offer!

Jan' 25
Jan' 25

Ushuaia, ARG, 17:00H

Ushuaia, ARG, 09:00H

ANT3 - 22 day expedition to Antarctica

Experience the unique landscape of Antarctica.

*Book now for €11,200 with the Explorer Deal—available only until October 31st!
Don't forget to add 'EXPLORER' in the Remarks section of your booking form to secure this special price.

Sail with the Family: Youngsters (15-25) receive 50% off their voyage fee when booked with at least one adult! 
Add 'FAMILY' in the remarks section of your booking form to claim this special offer.

Jan' 25
Feb' 25

Ushuaia, ARG, 17:00H

Ushuaia, ARG, 09:00H

ANT4 - 22 day expedition to Antarctica

Experience the unique landscape of Antarctica.

*Book now for €11,200 with the Explorer Deal—available only until October 31st!
Don't forget to add 'EXPLORER' in the Remarks section of your booking form to secure this special price.

Sail with the Family: Youngsters (15-25) receive 50% off their voyage fee when booked with at least one adult! 
Add 'FAMILY' in the remarks section of your booking form to claim this special offer.

Feb' 25
Apr' 25

Ushuaia, ARG, 17:00H

Walvis Bay, NA, 09:00H

Cape to Cape 57 day expedition*

A true oceancrossing with visits to Antarctica, South Georgia and Tristan da Cunha.

*Reserve your spot for €15,800 with our Explorer Deal—valid until October 31st!
Don't forget to add 'EXPLORER' in the Remarks section of your booking form to secure this special price.

Sail with the Family: Youngsters (15-25) receive 50% off their voyage fee when booked with at least one adult! 
Add 'FAMILY' in the remarks section of your booking form to claim this special offer.



* Fares excluding landing fees for South Georgia and/or Falklands / Las Malvinas and Tristan da Cunha