What to pack for an EUROPA adventure?
Packing lists and tips
We want to make sure you're well-prepared for your adventure on EUROPA. Below, we've provided links to the specific packing lists of the expeditions we offer. They are developed based on the experiences of previous voyage crews. This list is intended as a helpful guideline, but feel free to modify it based on your own needs.
It's good to keep in mind that there is limited space on the ship and in the cabins. You'll have a drawer and a small cupboard to store all of your belongings, so it's important to pack sensibly. We recommend that you prioritize essential items and consider leaving any non-essential items at home to avoid cluttering your space. Please bring a foldable duffelbag, no suitcase.
Packing list Antarctica - 22 days
For the Antarctica expeditions we advise to think in layers and invest in Muckboots, merino underwear and warm, waterproof gloves.
Packing list Antarctica - Cape to Cape
For this adventure besides some warm water sailing, we will spend quite some time in very cold regions. We therefore encourage you to pack wisely and bring enough layers to adapt to the weather conditions on 3-continents-route!
Please find the packing list for the Antarctica expedition to Namibia in this link.
Packing list Ocean voyages
A sailing adventure on the Atlantic or Pacific ocean requires some more warm weather proof options. However, please also take unpredictable conditions in account.
Please find the packing list for the Ocean Voyages in this link soon.