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Meet your fellow sailors

Sailing the Drake

Welcome to our community page! Below you will find the available voyage communities. These pages are only open to those who booked a voyage. You need a personal login to the page to be able to add photos, post messages and read attached files. You will be sent your login details for your voyage community, once you have booked your voyage with us. Once logged in you can meet your fellow trainees before the voyage starts, share travel tips & tricks on the message wall beforehand and share photo's of your (past Europa) voyages in the gallery. Also you will find all travel information files under 'travel information'.


Meet the crew of the other voyages in the Marketplace community and offer them your (already used) gear or ask for re-used sailing gear.

Go the the Marketplace community
Antarctica - Bark Europa Benjamin Hardman

ANT1: Scotia Arc

Your fellow travellers are waiting!

Bring me to the the ANT1 community
Bark EUROPA in Antarctica

ANT2: Antarctica Expedition 15th of December

Start your preparations here!

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Leopard seal in Antarctica

ANT3: Antarctica Expedition 7th of January

Meet your fellow travellers here!

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Bark EUROPA in Chile

ANT4: Antarctica Expedition 30th of January

Start preparing your adventure here!

Bring me to the ANT4 community
Chilean Channels

ANT5: Cape to Cape to Namibia 

Your fellow sailors can't wait to meet you

Bring me to the Cape to Cape community
Scotia Sea

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