1 day out of Horta
1 day out of Horta
27th of June 2022, 12.00 Ships time = Gmt + 1.
Yesterday morning we casted of our lines from the quay in Horta for the last stretch of this voyage from Cape Town to Harlingen.
We received some fresh stores, some bunkers and got rid of our garbage.
Pimped up our “Bin Here” painting on the harbour wall and added this year to the many yearly visits we brought to this beautiful island of Faial.
Besides that we welcomed a complete new group of Voyage Crewmembers on board.
The weather was and is beautiful BUT.. for a sailing-ship you are looking for wind and not particularly for sunshine and there is very little wind the last couple of days
The big familiarisation festival started and for that the weather is perfect. Climbing, Lookout, Steering, Line handling and Safety instructions are easier to give when the ship is not rolling and heeling too much, but personally, I prefer to have a fine breeze.
We had all our sails set in the afternoon but most of them had to come down again in the late evening because the wind left us.
Today we hoisted all of them again.
We see regularly dolphins and whales around us and the calm sea is perfect for spotting them but the dolphins are also checking us out and then discover that we are to slow for them at the moment and head out for more spectacular playmates.
39-27N : 026-34W
Clear skies, Wind Northerly 2
Done 24hrs 103M
Done total 112M
To go: English Channel entrance 1060M
Alles Wel