16 cool people from 6 countries

These are the guys who worked tirelessly to make this voyage a memorable one for you.
They are all here because they love sailing and adventure, they love the camaraderie, and they love being part of the Europa family. Sailing Europa and servicing this voyage with everything it needs is incredibly hard work. All of the crew multitask, and the borderline between several duties blurs very quickly. Whatever needs to be done will be done—no questions asked. This is the effort and dedication these guys put into their work, no matter if they are tired, sleepy, or if it is freezing cold outside. This job would be impossible to do without a love for it, similar to many other professions. As we go through our last hours of this voyage, we reflect on the past three weeks and appreciate all the hard work the crew has done to bring the Antarctic experience to us and bring us home safely.