Google review

6 days Out of Horta

Jul 5, 2022


12.00 Ships time = Gmt + 1.

We are still struggling to get on the right side of the hill which will give us a usable fair wind.  

Sometimes sailing with all our canvass set and trying to get as much out of the light breezes as possible sometimes we have to call in the help of our yellow friends from the Engine-room. 

Sometimes sunshine but also periods with drizzle and low clouds.  

Not too many birds but many whales and dolphins around us. Big groups of Common Dolphins visit us regularly. We sighted Fin-whales and Humpbacks but also smaller whales that we could not determine properly. The swell makes it sometimes difficult to find out what the exact brand of whale shows her back, vin or tail in a distance, but we enjoy them being with us and especially the great number of blows, flippers and waving tails we see. 

Maybe it shows us that slowly the number of whales is growing in the ocean and that alone can make us positive and optimistic . Every day Abby is pulling her plankton net twice for 20 minutes through the ocean and that gives us and her new species to look at. Small but certainly not boring, because they come in all shapes and colours to us. We stopped temporarily with the night trawls because the whole net was filled with jelly fish and that is not where she is looking for.  She studies the plankton, what in general means everything small and there is plenty of small creatures around us although you would think that nothing is swimming in this blue endless ocean. The whales proof also the opposite. They are feeding on the same stuff Abby is interested in.  


46°-18’N : 016°-13’W   

Partly cloudy,  Wind  N-ly 4. 

Water temp. 16,2°C 

Motor Sailing with only fore & aft s’ls,   

Close hauled on Port tack giving a course over ground of about050° 

Done  24hrs116M in 049° =  4,8 kt Average 

Done  total  146hrs 744M = 5,1 Average 

Alles Wel  
