Google review

Existance doubtful

Feb 18, 2015


It's 01.30 H, we're adrift in Paradise Harbour & my watch starts.

It's 01.30 H, we're adrift in Paradise Harbour & my watch starts. It's dark, no wind, silence. I stay outside & I can't see the shoreline. The water is dark, flat, with brash ice & some growlers. It's cold. I can only guess the shoreline by the meeting of the glaciers, mountains, snow & their reflections in the water. I'm in the mirror of the scenery. I wonder how my mirror looks. I hear a whale blowing but I can't see it. The only sound. Then: thunder, the glacier cracks up the mountain. Another noise: cracking of a growler just under the bow. We all have our
images, illusions, feelings of Paradise. This is not the opposite: it is. Did we drift? No.

After that we slowly moved out the bay,almost sneaky & left Paradise as it was before. Was my watch usefull ? I studied the chart and I found the word: "ED" which is my name. It means: "Existence Doubtful".