Farewell Tour
Last days, the focus was on the end of a beautiful trip. However, every day has brought something special, that made it feel like an extra day of holiday.
Last days, the focus was on Mr. Drake and the end of a beautiful trip. However, every day has brought something special, that made it feel like an extra day of holiday.
Today the same happened.
There was supposed to be a zodiac-cruise, as we had before, in a scenery, as we had before... It took just some minutes in the boat before I realized that this was not 'just a cruise', but something that really added a new, unique, special, awsome experience. It starting with the humpback whale, we were very close at, followed by the Weddelseal, we could look into the eyes. And after that, we entered a scenery nobody could have imagined. Ice, rocks, snow and small channels. On every corner, there was something else to see. Birds were flying around, pinguins jumped into the water, seals were having a sunbath. And above all of this, the sky was blue, the sun was shining and Jordi told us his last stories (or maybe there will be more, because he never seems to stop!
What a nice summary of my Antarctic experience. Another hundred-or-something pictures in an attempt to share the people at home parts of paradise. However, they better go on this trip themselves. It was very much worthwhile, every day, every minute, every second!