Happy new year!
Happy new year!
POS: 54*56,4 S 067*01,3 W
COG: 100
SOG: 7.0 kts
WND: N 5 bft
Beagle Channel
A morning full of back and forth communication with agents and the pilots for our departure. We wanted to depart later, they wanted us to depart earlier because of the port and all operations closing for New Year. We met in the middle and finally departed at 14. Now we are almost at the pilot station. After the pilot has left we will drop anchor.
Leaving the Beagle now would mean that we would cross paths with a small, but fierce, low right at the horn. Not the most pleasant start of a trip, so we wait till tomorrow 8 with departing. Then the conditions will be a bit more favorable for us.
Whilst at anchor and underway the new VC did all familiarizations and even some sail setting practice. A calm way to set sails for a first time. They slowly get used being around on the ship. Tomorrow we'll add the extra dimension of moving "a bit" ;-)
In the meantime it is already 2023 in Europe. I wish you all a very very good 2023, with lots of adventures, fun, good health and joyful moments!!