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Land in zicht!

Feb 13, 2023


This morning, after our chefs Gjalt and Sarah prepared us an amazing breakfast again, we had our last watch on the Drake passage, from 08:00 to 12:00. The night before we had our last night shift, in which we climbed the mast and tied some sails. After 4 days, some midnight snacks, sleepless nights, watching whales and dolphins, making our clothes Antarctica proof, some more sleepless nights and peeling potatoes in the deckhouse, we finally made it to the South of the Shetland Islands. The crossing of the Drake Passage was nothing like we expected and we were very lucky with the weather. Sea sickness luckily did not get to us and with some sun and quite some swell the crossing to the south went like smooth sailing.“Land in zicht!” With a Viking-like arrival, everyone came out of their beds and onto the deck to be amazed by the first signs of land. The swell became less and less and after the pinguin lecture of Benja and dinner, we’ll be ready to make our first landing! After this, everyone is looking forward to their much deserved alcoholic beverage.