Magical 24 hours
Hi everyone,
Yesterday we saw Orca’s, just when the twilight started.
Not just one, but a whole family.
Once of them was happily throwing a sea lion around, the other one swam right below the ship and when I peaked over the railing she came up and blew me a wet kiss. Like pfoewf, right up in the air. I had just missed it. It would have had something romantic too.
The Expedition Guides Beth and Mafu told us that they were probably teaching their young what to do with their food, how to hunt.
Yesterday morning we were laying in the crater of a volcano. Deception Island.
You are surrounded by rocks that reach high up in the air with gletsjers and dark red stone.
We played at anchor close to the beach of Whalers Bay.
From the beach a water damp came over the water like a veil.
The ground is hot from the volcano.
The last time here we had a very hard wind.
This time it is peaceful and quiet.
Also the old Whalers station is peacefully rusting away.
At the end of the day we sailed through the narrow entrance and went to the icebergs.
On the right side, a lot of penguins are watching us. We look back at them.
Other swim and show off their latest tricks proudly.
Benthe is baking cookies. Jess makes hot chocolate and I keep surprising myself about the pristine beauty of the sea, the light and the - sometimes odd - conversations and dances of the crew. Very entertaining.
My watch is done. It is 2 AM. The new watch is ready, with freshly baked cookies and delicious coffee. Elskarin takes over the wheel and steers her to Spert Island. Our watch can sleep very well and dream the night away.
8 AM it is time to start again. The new watch.
Amel has baked 200 pancakes. I have eaten 28 and a half. Next to that we drink a lot of coffee (and camomile tea to slow down the coffee rush).
When I come on deck we are surrounded by ice berg.
The fog gets into the bay and plays hide and seek with the gletsjers, icebergs and the zodiacs which are on excursion.
Like in the old days we let the bel ring every 20 seconds to let them know where the mother ship is.
In the past, the fishermen could come back that way through the fog after they had caught enough fish with their Dorries (boats) on the Great Banks.
On board life does not stand stil. The voyage crew is climbing the masts and they get clear instructions from the crew. Jess and Valentin are keeping a close eye on them.
In short, another magical 24 hours on board Bark Europa.
It is amazing and a privilege to be here again.
Have a nice day,