Medische evacuatie en frisse start
After steaming from last afternoon and overnight 100 nm on a NW-ly course, at a speed between 6 to 7 knots, we were arriving to Mar del Plata around 08:00h, from a while ago we could already see the big buildings of the city in the horizon, as the sun gifted us with a gorgeous sunrise.
Our friends Wim and Wim
We were in position and ready to start the evacuation operation from then on. We kept our position under engine at 1.5 nm from the port, waiting there for the evacuation operation. It was not necessary to go at anchor or alongside as all could be arranged to be done offshore. And then our friends Wim and Wim were safely ashore and in the hospital, all paperwork was finished and we were ready to go. On their way off the ship and in the rescue boat from Prefectura they were accompanied by our Doctor Mechelien and Laura as a translator, our bartender and extra hand on board, local from Argentina.
Meanwhile we can tell that both gentlemen are doing well and both will be flying home either tonight or tomorrow.
a fresh start
After 14:00h a fair breeze was blowing from the NNE-ly quarter, and with all hands on deck we started setting all our canvas, with the exception of the Fore course that was already repaired but still to be bent on. Engines were turned off. Wind was blowing at 14 knots, and being slightly on Port tack we sailed away at 6.5 knots on a 155º course. The idea is resume our trip under sail to the Horn, starting with navigating between the Falkland Current and the coast until Puerto Madryn, the beginning of the Argentinean Patagonia. Now 1040 nm separates us from our waypoint at the Lemaire Strait. During the afternoon the wind started backing a bit and after bracing and setting the Main Top Mast Studding sail, Europa sails again Southwards at 6.5 knots.
Warm light
Today started with a great sunrise and ended with a gorgeous warm sunset light. Feels great to be under sail again towards the horn, but also a sad feeling flows on board, as from now on we sail with two fellow travellers less, that during the last month’s become our friends, and we had to say goodbye to them today. Surely we will keep in contact with them, and we are sure they will follow our adventure towards the Horn and Punta Arenas in the same way you are doing now. On our southward course, at midnight the wind was turning more N-ly, and to keep ourselves on the planned route we gybed. Our course changes from S to SSW, with 18 knots of wind as we reach the 7 knots of speed.