A New Place to Dream
Many of us aboard report they are experiencing vivid dreams while asleep on this voyage. Perhaps the movement of the ship triggers one’s sleeping imagination. Perhaps the new sensations of our waking hours catalyse our minds. After all, being on a tall ship under full sail is a dramatic feeling and one that is new to many of us. Is that enough to trigger the synapses in other parts of our head? All the senses are engaged. The sight of billowing waves and oceans shifting colour, the touch of taut rope and tight canvas, the taste of salt in the air and the tangy smell of the brine, and the sound of wind and pulleys working the shifting air. Other senses too are engaged. Spending a few hours at 20 degrees tilt certainly makes one realise that balance is another sense too. Add to that the experience of our bodies working, pulling, hauling, heaving and climbing and this is a holistic adventure we are immersed in. Our sleeping mind perhaps as to match that and sparks these hallucinations in our unconscious state. Sleep experiences fade, of course, but somehow I know the waking experiences of this journey will not fade and will remain with me. In wakefulness in years to come, these will be memories to call on. I will sit back and bring to mind these salty stimuli in a day dream of the future. You have heard of dreamland, have you not? Well this is the dreamsea, an ocean to sail on for the rest of my life.