Orion and the helmsmen
Hello all,POS: 58*35,7 S 063*20 WCOG: 150SOG: 5,5WND: NW 3 bftLast night my watch started at 0200 local time.As I came on deck and looked towards the Helm station I could see Orion, Gemini and a team of Voyage crew Helmsmen, keeping the Vessel on course.The swell was up to 4 meters.It kept them quite busy and focused.Today was no different. but now with blue skies and a lot of sun.Many birds, Dolphins and Penguins. still following winds, happy big blue waves and focused helmsmen.Tomorrow the sea state will slow down, the wind will slow down and the hours of sleep will increase when you don't have to be afraid to roll out of your bed.We fill the days with coffee, lectures about Antarctica, the rules, the wildlife and the magic of the seas and southern continent.We're getting close. We're all very excited.Have a lovely day!Groeten Fosse Fortuin