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On our way to Antarctica

Mar 13, 2023


Eric Kesteloo - Captain Bark EUROPA

Eric Kesteloo Captain

Hello allPosition: 55-49S 056-33WCOG: 180TSOG: 6.0KNETA South Shetland Islands: 13 MAR 2023 AMYesterday we just managed to find a calm moment to leave the quayside. The day was filled with the usual mix of looking around and yet more familiarisation and instruction.We had a nice 7bft from the port quarter and sailed all the way to the end of the Beagle channel, where we got caught in the calms and turbulence off the Eastern tip of Tierra del Fuego. It was a nice sunny day.Just after dinner came a big dark cloud. This didn't bring a crazy amount of wind, but had us a little bit in a twist with the wind backing 270 degrees, from SE to SW. Around the 0200 watch change we had everything sorted out and we were slowly sailing into a strong current coming around Cape Horn, with some sails left to set and the waning moon watching overhead.As we sailed South, the 5-6 meter swell coming from the Pacific was mixing with the swell from the Atlantic and this made the ship's motion increasingly chaotic. Slowly the swell is becoming more regular now, as we slowly clear the latitude of Cape Horn.

The sun is out and so are the Albatross, Giant Petrels and many other birds!
