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Quite a different night

Mar 5, 2024


Hello all,

POS: 64*52.2 S 63*10.8 W
COG: Making circles
SOG: 3
WND: NW 2-7

Quite a different night
Steep waves pounding the nose of our proud Bark Europa

Lemaire Channel in a fog with 30+ winds on the nose.
The high hills can't look upon us this time
They cry hale.
and later snow.

On the Main deck the voyage crew took the tears and created a man
Amel supplied the carrot for the nose.
So he could smell the amazing smell of steak.

He's looking at me
not all too intelligent though
He looks slightly distant and distracted.
I let him be.
There should also be room for the distracted creatures.
Made of flesh and blood or snow

Tomorrow will be our last day in Antarctica.
Time for the Drake Passage.
All the guests were very keen to know what the weather on the Drake would do.
We'll see.

It is dangerous to write it down.
I Don't want to upset any Gods.
We have to be precious about our future and not push her too much in a corner.
The wind will blow when she likes.
We adjust.
We must


Fair Winds, fair thoughts, fair sailing.

Mattias and Bark Europa Crew