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From Raiatea to Taha'a

Jul 9, 2024


Hans de Lind captain

Hans de Lind Captain

Good day,So, This morning we went from our anchorage in Raiatea to our anchorage in Taha'a, Anchor up, lot of mud, fire hose, and john daf. All this took long enough for the sun to come up that much more, that now we had daylight to bring us out, and back into, the reef.The navigation is quite straightforward, with leading lines and buoys at all corners. None the less we have a look out in the crosstrees, to see the outlines of the shallows.On arrival, the zodiacs over the side, followed shortly after by the VC. Today they are going to visit a distillery and a vanilla farm.Those who remain on the ship get to swim beside it, and we get excellent vegetable soup for lunch. After lunch, we organized a snorkeling tour just next to the ship.Tomorrow we intend to set the VC on an island called Motu Cerran. They will hang out all day there, and then we come with Europa herself to pick them up before we leave for Bora Bora in the eveningBest Regards,Captain Hans