Google review

Right Whale Bay

Mar 31, 2016


I just have to write a logentry again! Last day was one of the most overwhelming and wonderful in my life, nature wise. In the morning we did a landing in Right Whale Bay, and when i had gained my balance after stumbling out of the Zodiac, I looked up at thousands and thousands of King penguins.

I just have to write a logentry again! Last day was one of the most overwhelming and wonderful in my life, nature wise. In the morning we did a landing in Right Whale Bay, and when i had gained my balance after stumbling out of the Zodiac, I looked up at thousands and thousands of King penguins. Standing there right in front of me, coming up close to me, wondering what on earth I was doing there. I could not right away answer them, why i was intruding their grounds. But they did not seem to bother, just looked a little surprised. There where also a lot of brown youngsters around, not yet waterproof. The King penguins are so beautiful in their colours and pattern! There where also a lot of furseal puppies, curious and practising scaring you off. A tiny little gruntgrunt! Two elephantseals where also lying on the beach, spreading out their bodies and not looking like they would be able to move at all. But one of them made a big yawn so we could understand they where alive.

Afternoon we spent walking inland Rosita Bay. A wonderful and atmosphere walk along the valley, turning back at a waterfall. The ground was very soft and gentle moraine, easy to walk even if it was a little steep some parts. Approaching the Zodiac it was already twilight, which gave a very tight and special feeling amongst all the greyish seals on the grey, pebbly beach. The decklights on "Europa" was welcomely lit as we motored back.

This fantastic day was followed by a magical night. I was on anchorwatch 00-02 and I was thanking my lucky star for that! The night was clear, stars brightly shining together with a half moon, the sea calm so you could see the stars also beneath you. The walls of the steep hillsides where just about to detect in the dark, and from everywhere around came all the distant calling from the baby-seals. The sound had the same sadness in it as gulls sometimes have, it sounded almost like a shortening of a gull-cry. I tried to print all these impressions in my mind to be kept for ever.

An amazed Karin