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Rising temperatures

Jun 14, 2024


Janke Kingma

Janke Kingma Captain

Hello all,

POS:    17* 04.3 S 137* 58.5 W         
SOG:    3.4
COG:    350
DTG:    440 NM to Hiva Oa: Marquesas
BT:      UTC -8
Water temp: 26.8 Celcius

A full 24 hours of sailing. Slow but steady we make our way onto Hiva Oa. Our intended first stop at the Marquesas. All sails are set. From this afternoon on we also have the skysails to set! Whilst being alongside at the pier on Mangareva the crew hoisted both masts already up aloft.

Today we had good conditions to hoist the yards. During the last week, they were varnished, yesterday dressed with blocks and sails and today hoisted onto the masts. At exactly the right moment. In these light conditions, it is nice to have some more sails to set high in the sky.

Today was a hot day. This evening at 20:00 it was still 27 degrees. About the same temperature as the water. I must say I love it to walk around in shorts day and night. Getting dressed after waking up only takes 1 minute and not the 10 you need to wrap yourself in all layers in Antarctica. A lot less laundry also.

What might make the temperatures rising the upcoming days is that we started the murder game. Till last night at 20 o'clock, all on board were kind of friends. That's over now. If you ask someone to help you the first thing you meet is distrust...followed by unbelief if you explain your good and honest intentions. Some people were persuaded to help, and murdered.

So...let's see who will still be alive tomorrow at sunrise...I think
I'll lock the wheelhouse and hide inside ;-)

Janke Kingma
Captain bark EUROPA

📷 Jordi Plana Morales