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Safety on board

Mar 9, 2015


After a warm welcome on board of the Europa in Ushuaia, one of the first things we got were safety instructions.

extraordinary penguins

Especially in these cold waters of the Antarctic you have to keep out of these. First instruction...STAY ON BOARD! So follow the instructions of the permanent crew and wear your safety belts when the ships movements increase. Also for climbing in the masts its necessary to secure yourselves. If we have to leave the ship when it sinks or there is a great fire, there are several life rafts to keep the total crew in a more or less comfortable emergency position. To withstand the cold everybody has to put on a survival suit to keep warm and dry. Such a suit is not elegant and you look like a penguin. If other ships will find you in the middle of the sea the people on board will be confused.....such extra-ordinary penguins they have never seen!