Google review

Shackleton Wandeling

Mar 27, 2015


Today we start our journey in the steps of the man Sir Ernest Shackleton himself.

When he crash landed his custom made rescue boat on these shores, he crossed the island in just 36 hours, looking for food and shelter, which he would eventually find in Stromness bay. We undertake only the last six kilometer part, starting in Fortuna bay and arriving (hopefully) to Stromness bay four hours later.We begin in the morning. At 8 o`clock we are already heading out in our
two zodiacs. We start with a steep ascent to the hills. After a couple of minutes we see Europa shrinking into the distance, leaving the bay. Funny feeling, hope they will come for us (they did!).

During the trail we see beautiful landscapes, steep hills, majestic mountains and glaciers. After all the Antarctica whites, we see grass - green, wet and soft. What a change! We are truly having an amazing, spring like weather, which makes us really enjoy the walk, not minding the few slips on the rocks or some steps in cold streams, so we can get to the other side.After two hours we arrive to the pass overlooking the Stromness bay and whaler’s station. Shackleton was here waiting for the sound of the whistle, announcing the new shift in the factory. We just enjoyed our
very much-deserved snacks and beautiful views, when we spot Europa entering the bay, coming from the distance. What a relieve!:)

After that we are headed for the beach, to be greeted, once again, by tens, maybe hundreds of baby fur seals and couple of baby elephant seals – they still weigh around a couple of hundred kilos. We cannot go into the whaler’s village, as those structures are unstable and there may be some asbestos in the air. So we keep our 200metres distance and just enjoy the majestic mountain landscape all around us. After a short zodiac ride, we are back on board. What a day!