Singing contest and chicken Madagaskar
Goodevening,POS: 26'15 S 043'46W 200nm south of Rio de JaneiroCRS: 250'SPD: 4,2ktsWND: SSE 4bftSEA: SlightSWL: S moderateThe strong winds and rough seastate are gone. Slowly setting more and more sails throughout the day. Closing in on the centre of the high pressure area with light winds. After we expect to set course southwest again. 1490nm to Puerto Madryn to go.A singing contest in the lounge this afternoon and chicken Madagaskar on the menu.Half the crew is murdered already, luckely it is a game. For quit some time there has not been any malfuntioning technical item. It has been a sunny day in many ways.
Rgds, Arian