Google review

Slowly making our way up North

Jan 16, 2023


Janke Kingma

Janke Kingma Captain

Hello all,POS: 64*49,3 S 063*29,2 WCOG: At anchor @ Port LockroySOG: 0.0WND: SSW 3 bftThe morning at Yalour Islands was wet. Beautiful, but wet. Raining it was, and not subtle. So the guides and VC decided not to stay out for very long. This gave us the time to heave anchor in time and slowly make our way up North. The wind picked up and at the same time it got dry :-) Once arrived at Port Charcot, the super nice lunch was eaten, clothing a bit dried and VC ready for another landing.A nice hike up the hill with view at Port Charcot, stranded icebergs, lots of penguins and snow in a great variety of colors was what the afternoon brought. Plus a visit to the former magnetic observation station. Interesting to see.The rain returned and so did we. It was time to pack up the zodiacs and enter Lemaire channel for our way up. We sailed to Port Lockroy via the Peltier channel, with its with glaciers covered banks, to arrive just at bedtime. For a nice change with yesterday we won't be rocking and rolling in bed, but can prepare for a steady sleep. The ship nicely tucked away in this cozy, with glaciers and snow walls surrounded, little bay.Groetjes, Janke