Google review

South Georgia

Dec 6, 2018


You are an isolated islandOf raw unconquered beautyAnd katabatic western windsYour north shore is partially protectedAnd hides coves of curiositiesTestosterone fuelled Fur seals on guardBetween big-eyed baby elephant sealsLying about like blubbery sea cucumbersYet the avian species rule this paradiseWith King Penguins, Macaroni’s by the millionsAs well as a colony of Gentoo or twoFluffy brown chicks flap their flippersWhile the Skua’s and petrels prowl the perimeterIn another era Man tried to make money hereYet all that remains are rusty remnantsSome renovations into a museum and tourist shopThe whales blow off shore in their dozensThey still remember how we massacred their ancestorsLet us hope that Mother Nature will prevailAnd South Georgia will remain an isle of peace..