Time for real time practice
Hello all,POS: 55*12 S 066*06,81 WCOG: 200SOG: 5,2WND: SE 2 bftThe Beagle Channel is behind us. The Drake passage ahead.24 hours of training the Voyage crew lay behind us.Time for real time practice ahead of us.This evening..The wind forecast gave winds to come from the N and the SW.. But it camefrom different directions. and then did some circles.The first Squall gave us some proper winds and kept everyone busy forsome hours pulling many ropes, climbing, furling, bracing, packing andsetting sails differently.Some great practice.It makes time go fast, your hair salty and all together they did a greatjob!Now at the end of our watch everything has calmed down.Fresh coffee is brewing and my pillow is asking for my attention. I willfollow the pillow's command.Time for the next watch.Sleep well.Groetjes, Fosse