Voor ik het vergeet!
Before I forget, I would like to thank everybody involved in this journey for this wonderful experience.
Thank you crew
Thank you, Captain and Crew for your skill, professionalism, enthusiasm and ever lasting hospitality. You made me feel very welcome on your ship. You taught me, or at least tried to teach me, some aspects of sailing. Thank you for those lessons. I realize you work very hard, during long hours, and still you remain patient, even happy, while you are manoeuvring the ship, the zodiacs and all the guests. That was probably the best lesson you were teaching; you all seem very happy with what you do and proud of being part of this ship and it's voyages, and rightly so, and you take pleasure in sharing this with us. Thank you also, for skilfully manoeuvring us between the icebergs and storms to our destinations.
Best bar
Thanks for the best Bar of the continent, with ever changing but ever beautiful views, a permanently relaxed bartender and tasty cold and hot drinks. Thank you for all the wonderful meals. Incredible how you always manage to spoil so many people with these tasty culinary treats on a daily basis. Thank you Guides for planning this wonderful route with stunning scenery for us to enjoy. Your improvisation skills were tested more than once, but plan B, C or D seemed just as brilliant as plan A. You took us to well-known and not-so-known sites that showed the dramatic beauty of Antarctica. You taught us, both on site and during lectures. Your stories about the history of this region and the biology and ecology gave this journey depth. It was wonderful how enthusiastic you were; like us, you too were shooting pictures, trying to get a beautiful photograph of a common or rare animal. You patiently guided us during our walks, like a mother duck with her chicks.
Unforgettable honeymoon
Thank you, fellow travellers; it has been a great experience meeting all of you. With our many nationalities, backgrounds and personalities we shared little space and lots of time together and I enjoyed it very much. It was great to talk to you and share stories. Maybe some of us will keep in touch, maybe some of us will meet again in the future, who knows? But for sure, you will be an important part of my memory of this voyage. Thank you, Bark Europa, for being my home, our home, for the last couple of weeks. Thank you for being strong and warm. Thank you for being such a beautiful ship.
Thank you Marjolein, for making this journey with me. It is an unforgettable Honeymoon and I am looking forward to our adventures that await us in the future.