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Though the atmosphere on board the Bark EUROPA is very relaxed and there is little hierarchy there are some offical jobs on board. There are two officers on board: the captain and 1st mate. Next to them a bosun, cook and cooksmate, barhand, engineer and last but not least a number of deckhands populate the ship. We are very pleased that the ship enjoys the company of a very international crew, below you can find the names and nationalities of the crew who are now on board. 

The Europa Crew

Hans de Lind
Captain (NL)
Terry van Kampen
Mate (NL)
Gjalt Gaastra
Cook (NL)
Ed Schoot
Engineer (NL)
Brian Harrison
Bosun (SA)
Sasha Borggrefe
Cook's mate (NL)
Amelke Fortuin
Bar (NL)
Abigail Smyth
Guide/Researcher (IE)
Amélie Marchand
Deckhand (CA)
Vaiufia Latu
Deckhand (TO)
Mattias Borchardt-Hume
Deckhand (GB)
Deckhand (DE)
Nadia Hulshof
Deckhand (NL)
Dante Petersen
Deckhand (DK)
Lex Helldorfer
Deckhand (NL)
Laurent Lebreton
Researcher (FR)
Henk Westerbeek
Ships doctor (NL)
Join the crew

The Office Crew

Leentje Toering
Liza de Kurver
Crew and sales
Nina Jolink
General manager & Science on board
Kobus Christianen
HR & logistic
Pilou Ronchetti
Lucky Harthoorn
Marketing & Sales