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Citizen Science at Spert Island

By: Beth Hitchcock

  Today we had the opportunity to carry out the Fjord Phyto project beside Spert Island. This involved our ‘six sexy scientists’ from the voyage crew, accompanied by Laura and Vicky, heading out in grey...

February 2024

The Day of Deception Island

By: Fosse Fortuin

Hello all, POS: 63*28.1 S 60*52.5 W COG: 194 SOG: 6.5 WND: N 4-5 The Day of Deception Island and Neptune Bellows. A perfect few titles to look up and read more about. How ships found their end, The...

Day 3 on the Drake

By: Fosse Fortuin

Hello all, POS: 59*13 S 60*41 W COG: 150 SOG: 6,8 WND: SW 5-6 Day 3 on the Drake. Waiting for that wind shift. Patiently waiting. We would like to go to Antarctica but the wind likes it more if we would go to...

February 2024

What will the Drake Passage bring?

By: Fosse Fortuin

Hello all, POS: 57*55,92 S 64*46.02 W COG: Sailing Close haul with a full moon and the Southern Cross. SOG: 6,8 WND: NW 4-6 bft During the last weeks I have been curiously looking at the weather forecasts and the run...

Vernadsky at last

By: Beth Hitchcock

This morning started in a more leisurely manner with extended breakfast from 0700 to 0900. Again , something scrumptious and new from the galley - a sweet roll of deliciousness filled with banana and dusted with...

February 2024

Graham Passage

By: Laura Grange

  Graham Passage/ Foyn Harbour & the Governonen (Enterprise Island)/ Orne Harbour (FjordPhyto Citizen Science Project)/ Danco Island An early morning wake-up call alerted all onboard to the exciting news...

Icebergs for Breakfast

By: Beth Hitchcock

We woke this morning to a bright dawn and a sea full of icebergs, glowing blue and white in the sunlight. Soon after breakfast, the first land was sighted: we had arrived in the South Shetland Islands, and our crossing of the...

February 2024

Drake day 1

By: Beth Hitchcock

In the early hours of the morning, the wind continued to die to a stable 10 knots calling for us to stop wallowing around at 2.5 knots and make use of the engines. The crew and voyage crew worked together to coordinate the...

January 2024

Jougla Point, Wienke Island

By: Jordi Plana Morales

The weather change announced yesterday by a passing front and reflected in the forecast has reached the area.  Still in calm conditions though under some snow showers sweeping over the Butler Passage, late last...

January 2024