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Update from Abigail

By: Abigail Smyth

In the twilight hours, with the stunsails set, cruising through tropical waters at a leisurely 5 knots, the South Pacific seems t o o good to be true.    This morning, the first whale. It’s...

July 2024

A lucky Rapa Nui girl

By: Tavake

4 years ago we, as Rapa Nui islanders, used to have a direct flight from Rapa Nui to the island of Tahiti that took us in just 5 and a half hours to the southwest corner of the Polynesian triangle where we had a close and open...

June 2024

Arriving at Pitcairn

By: Marretje Adriaanse

It will be difficult for me to explain everything I felt and thought when we first laid our eyes on Pitcairn Island. To sketch the setting, I need to give some background information on the days prior. James Walters, son...

June 2024

Exploring Pitcairn

By: Janke Kingma

Yesterday morning we dropped anchor in Bounty Bay, the bay closest to Adamstown on Pitcairn. The weather was probably the best you can wish for. Sun, hardly wind, low swell into the little port. The...

May 2024
May 2024
May 2024